Friday 23 May 2014

Volunteer Day (The Fundation Niños del Arco)

What an outstanding experience, we spent the day in the most amazing school.  You can tell it was built with care, hard work, dedication and an outstanding attention to detail.  This school provides education to children of ages 10-20. It is available when no other means are possible.

Schedule for the day:
- 7am departure from hotel. Bus will arrive at 6:45am
- 7:00- 8:30am – Ride out to Urubamba and Arco Iris
- 8:30 a 10:30 am. - share your culture, professional and personal development experiences.
- 10:30 a 11:00 am. - Snack Break
- 11:00am. a 01:00pm - Intercultural games with children groups /elementary age.

These children were so caring, respectful and resonated with self confidence. I sincerely ended my experiences with the message "we should never stop learning and thank you for the opportunity for me to learn from you (the children)"

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